Well, you didn't come on your own, so we decided to go with the induction on Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2019. We had a 9:00am check in, which I loved because I was able to get the big kids off to school, take a shower, do my hair and makeup, and eat a good breakfast. My mom was here so Millie was excited to play with her all day. Your dad was suppose to be in work early today to help with the c-section, so I was joking that my mom was going to have to drive me in to have this baby. Last minute and one of the other doctors stepped in to take over for Mike so we were able to check in together.
We started Pitocin around 10:00, and settled in the long day. We read books, watched shows on our phones, and browsed the internet. I wasn't feeling any of the contractions but was making steady progress. I didn't want to come in with a birth plan because I cared about was a healthy baby and healthy me. I signed the paper work for an epidural so when that moment came, we were ready. They warned me, "don't wait too long or you will reach that point of no return." Well, I still wasn't feeling much so I thought I should keep waiting. Around 3:00, we were watching an episode of Parks and Rec and the contractions were coming a bit stronger. I was starting to need to visualize through them, so the show was becoming distracting. Your dad asked if I wanted to watch another one, but I told him that I should probably start focusing on this labor. They came in to check me and I was at an 8. Wow, I am really far and I am still not in pain. I have always wanted to go natural, but in the back of my head, I still had that fear of the unknown amount of pain ahead. I asked your dad if he could see anything, but he said no but we were really close. I guess he wanted to say 30 more minutes, but didn't dare give me a time frame in case he was wrong. At that point, the doctor looked at me and said, we have reached that point of no return and I was in for a natural birth whether I was ready or not. I quickly became complete and was about to push. I have always been so nervous about going to the bathroom while pushing, especially if the doctor's face is right there. I have felt like I needed to go for a bit but had been holding it in. Finally I told your dad, "I either got to fart or poop and I can't hold it anymore. I am just going to do it." Well, that feeling was you and you came out in one push.
The laid this beautiful, dark hair baby girl on my chest. Not going to lie, I was still hurting for ripping a bit, so it was hard to fully enjoy the moment, but we were so excited that you were here and healthy. You weighed 7lbs 6 oz and was 21 inches long. We spent some time just the three of us getting to know you and figuring out what your name would be. We decided on Joanna Bennett Matthews. Joanna is my sister's name, though we call you JoJo, and Bennett was Great Grandma Matthews's maiden name. Your siblings came over after dinner with Grandma Price. You were so excited to meet you and loved your name, that was their favorite.
Everything was healthy between both of us so we were able to go home the next afternoon. Nursing has gone so easy for you from the beginning. You gained weight like crazy. You are a get sleeper. You love to be snuggled, which makes having you lay down on your own a bit of a struggle. However, grandparents were here for the first 2 1/2 weeks so I have been able to soak up all the cuddling time with you.
We love you so much and are so thrilled to have you be in our family.