Sunday, March 22, 2020

Five Months

5 Months

  • Although you won't remember anything from this month, it will go down in history as a big month in your life time. COVID 19 has come to the US and our world has shut down. School and church has been canceled. Businesses have to shut down. Idaho has mandated a stay-at-home order. We don't know how this is all going to pan out, but it has been a challenge. 
  • This was birthday month for your siblings. Each of them was able to have party, which you tagged along with. We may have snuck you a few bites of cake each time, which you willing accepted.
  • Food! We finally figured it out. We have been trying for a month with rice cereal and you scream each time we give it to you. Oh my goodness, I have felt like nothing has come super easy the first time of round with you. Well, one night, we were having curry and rice for dinner. I thought, well it can't hurt to just try. You gobbled it up. Curry. You ate a lot of it. The kids were freaking out that you liked curry but not baby food. Well, you have since tried just giving you table food and it seems to have work.
  • We bought a used play structure that came with another baby swing. With the warmer weather, we have been able to go outside and push you on the swing and sit on the trampoline. This is one way to really get you to giggle.