Monday, July 22, 2019

26 Weeks

26 Weeks
We made it to the Matthews family Reunion today. On the drive over, I noticed that I am getting varicose veins. I am not happy about this, you punk of a kid. Your dad told me that they will most likely leave after you come, but they sure make my legs look like mom legs now. I mentioned that your movement is getting stronger, but I now can see you move from the outside. It is always crazy to see something bubbling around under my skin. We are so excited to have you be growing healthy, and we really do love you.

24 Weeks

24 Weeks
Your little kicks are getting stronger and stronger get day. I finally was able to have the big kids put their hand on my tummy and feel you kick around. They were so excited to feel something real. You are getting lots of songs sung to you. My energy is feeling great. I am able to keep up with the house and yard work, but night time sleeping is getting quite challenging. I had to go buy a fan to put right on me. Poor dad, he gets cold at night, so he has had to put an extra blanket just on him.

23 Weeks

23 Weeks
We are so excited to find out that you are a girl. We are starting to talk names a bit, but I always get nervous once the moment comes that I only get to pick one. The ones that I am leaning on are Joanna ("JoJo") or Lucille ("Lucy"). Both are strong family names. Your dad hestiates against Lucy because my parents dog was named Lucy. We will see.

Funny story: Went over to the neighbors to pick up Maggie and I causally mentioned something about being pregnant. She said, "Oh, congrats. I didn't want to ask. I just thought you had a lot of tacos for lunch!"

Gender Announcement

This is what we used to tell our friends that we were expecting a girl!