11 Months
- This picture is a week late because on the day that you turned 11 months, you were so fussy, you refuse to let me sit you in the chair by yourself. It turns out that you were cutting your second top tooth. This happened last time. You get a runny nose when cutting a tooth, but your ears must be really narrow because it then turns into an ear infection. We were leaving in a few days for South Dakota, so we got you medicine right away, since last time it ended up with a ruptured ear drum.
- You are wanting to stand and cruise! Once you realized that there is some benefit to being on your feet, you are hard to stop. You stand up a lot in your crib, which makes it harder to fall asleep sometimes for nap. You pull yourself up to the couch when I am folding clothes so you can pull off all my folded piles. You even will walk around the room a bit when we hold your hands.
- Your crawling has officially moved from the belly army crawl to the hands and knees crawl. Yay for not as dirty of a shirt. And here's to holes in the knees. I think though you will catch on to walking pretty quickly.
- You still are really clingy to me, but overall, you are such a happy baby who really loves life and messes. You dart for an open closet to destroy and then turn around and smile at me for your great work. Favorite areas to mess up are the newspaper box in the small pantry, the church bag in the entry way closet, and the shoes in the laundry room.
- I have been taking you to soccer each time and for the most part, there is someone (usually one of the Zechmann girls) who just scoops you up and plays with you for the evening. As long as you can't see me, you really enjoy yourself.
- You are miss chatty. Still no real words. I mean you say dada and mama, but you say it a lot even when we aren't around, so I think it is more noise than word. I love how you and Millie will play this game. You will say "baba" and then Millie will repeat you. Both of you will laugh and start over again.