1.3 Years
- Christmas finally came! The day that you can ripe all the paper that your heart can handle. Obviously, you still don't really understand what the mean means, but you did enjoy the cereal and candy you got in your stocking. Santa gave you some painting activities along with some snack cups (huge hit with you!). Dad and I gave you magna tiles, which quickly got snagged by your older siblings. They were getting frustrated because you kept wrecking their creations. We had to tell them that it was your gift and wrecking them was your way to play with them. We got you some new leggings, which hopefully won't get holes in them so fast since you are walking now. We also got you a cute unicorn touch and feel book.
- We left for Utah right after lunch Christmas Day. You were doing well in the car, just kept handing you more snacks. About three hours into the trip, I was smelling something funky, like a poopy diaper or something. Well when we finally pulled over, I went back there to unbuckle you and discovered that you had thrown up all over yourself. A piece of dried apple must have triggered it and we didn't even notice. So sorry about that. You did well during the crazy trip, though you didn't really want to see other people. You were really clingy to me. What can I say, you are really a momma's girl.
- Language is going slow with you. You still just saying mama, dada, and papa (puppy). Your are getting the hang of sign language though, which has been helpful. You can say all done, more, eat, and thank you. You understand us pretty well, so I think you are just a late bloomer is all. No worries.
- You are super attached to your pacifier. I know we need to drop it here soon, but I am struggling with knowing when. Just this last week, I decided to take it away during the day. I have to put it in a drawer when you wake up, because if you see it at all, you start asking for it. It is cute to see you get so excited when I say, "lets get your pacifier!" You are also only taking milk in your bottle, but I love the cuddles when you wake up, so I am in no hurry to give that up.
- The other day, I took you and Millie outside to play. Every time we go outside, it is ever a walk in the stroller or I end up holding you the whole time. Today, we were steady enough on your feet to walk around and play on your own. Oh boy, you loved it. We brought out the dump trucks and played in the rocks and also brought out the chalk to draw. You still won't keep your gloves on, so we can't stay out there much longer than 30 minutes because I don't want your hands to freeze. We then headed down the hill to the play structure. You thought you were hot stuff walking down the driveway with me. Since then, I find you by the door wanting to go outside. That day made my mama's heart so happy.