3.10 Years
- We got to float Kooskia to Kamiah. We borrowed inner tubes from a friend, and met up with friends that we hardly ever do stuff with. We tied all the inner tubes together, passed snacks all around, climbed from tube to tube, and got to go cliff jumping at the end (I pushed you off, which I don't think you appreciated).We rafted the river later that week with the Stones and McKnights. WE took a long dinner on one of the beaches and didn't get home until 10pm. I am so grateful that you have been so flexible with sleep so we can do all these adventures.
- General summer fun: so many days at the pool, drawing on your belly after seeing the big kids draw on their bodies at swim meets, drawing all over big Maggie's arms because I told you not to draw on yourself, going on our first overnight raft trip as a family, playing in the pond, having a sleep over at Megan McKnight's, and Maggie babysitting you and Millie while Dad and I went to Lewiston.
- The brown family moved in and Macie is your age. It is adorable seeing her fit right into the girl group.
- This month we got to go to Utah to celebrate Mark and Kami's wedding. It was a whirlwind of a trip, but it was one of your highlights for the summer. We got there in the middle of the night Wednesday night so we could have all Thursday to spend with Grandma and Papa Matthews. We checked out DI with Grandma, played at the splash pad where it turned into a huge water war of your kids verses this other family of kids, and ended the night watching Sophia while big kids went to the movies. On Friday, we got to do some back to school shopping on the way down to Provo and have lunch at Chic-fil-a. I know that is not much, but I liked having that morning as just a family. We made it to the temple just in time. All of you cousins waited in the room off to the side. The sealing was beautiful and we were able to take pictures afterwards. We ended the night with dinner up the canyon. I loved seeing you so affectionate to Mark and Kami. You would run up and give them so many tight hugs. We spent the night at Amelia's house. We crammed all five of you girls into their room. Grandma and Papa Price were in town for Education Week along with Uncle Josh's family. That morning, Grandpa treated all you kids to $5 at the DI. I laugh at that, but that DI was huge. We joked that it was the Walmart of DIs. Millie convinced you to big this four feet tall Elsa doll with creepy hair. It was awful. I wanted to say no, but Dad said yes, so now we own a creepy doll. We grabbed a quick lunch at their house and then headed to the Provo Rec Center for a few hours. It was crazy trying to do all you girls hair in that family bathroom, but it all worked out in the end. The Wedding was beautiful. You loved having all your cousins there. You actually got to throw flower petals down the isle, which you were beaming about. It dumped while we were eating dinner, but thankfully, there were enough canopies to cover us and the moment dinner was over, the rain stopped. We dance and sang karaoke. You kids drank so much soda and stayed up way late. It was definitely a celebration.