Sunday, June 23, 2024

Four.Seven Years

 4.7 Years

Here is the list of favorites from Mother's Day 

My favorite food is: Cotton Candy
My favorite sport is: gymnastics
The best show on TV is: Super Kitties
The coolest person in the world is: Ellie and Macie
My best subject in school is: Snakes
I’m really awesome at: riding my bike
If I could change my name, it would be: Eleanor
My favorite color is: teal
When I grow up I want to be: Artist
My parents are too strict about: doing my reading
My favorite song is: This is the Season
My favorite book is: Pinkilicous
When we stop for a treat, I get this: gumball machine
4 words that describe me are: friendly, laughing, eat teeth 
When I was little, I used to: watch Super hero
My favorite scripture story is: Little Nephi
My favorite primary/church song is: This is the Season
My favorite game is: Dragon wood
My favorite season is: Winter
The best snack ever is: granola bars
My favorite superhero is: Super Kitties
The food that makes me want to barf is: mushrooms 
The car I would love to drive when I turn 16 is: a super fast car 
My best friends are: Macie, Nora, Ellie
The cutest girl/boy I know is: Brian 
The most memorable day this year was: Going to Macie's house to do the water slide
If I had one wish it would be: Going to Candyland
The best thing that has happened to me this year is: eating cotton candy at the triathlon
One thing I want to learn to do this year is: pick flowers
The thing that scares me the most is: tarantulas
One thing I need to work on is: riding my bike without training wheels 
If I could go anywhere it would be: Spanish places
The most important lesson I’ve learned this year is: spiders
If I could meet one person from history it would be: God

Four.Six Years